
Advocacy Overview

Advocacy can mean many things, both in terms of what and how. The what for us is working toward policies, funding, laws, regulations, and other types of outcomes that advance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. On a simple level, the “how” means encouraging, pleading, urging, and providing justification. But it gets more complex when you apply the “how” to “where”. There is the administration of the state or federal government, the legislature, the courts, school committees, etc.

Building Bridges

Self-Advocacy Promotes Empowerment

The Center of Hope Foundation supports Building Bridges, an organized Self-Advocacy Group, which is facilitated by CoHF staff and comprised of individuals with disabilities.  Self-advocate groups are a unique and supportive way for persons with disabilities to meet, share ideas, and support each other while enhancing their lives and developing skills to advocate for themselves and others with disabilities.
Building Bridges is active politically and provides information regarding Government and Legislative issues, Arc information, MASS Regional and CAB topics.  Its members have spoken at Legislative Breakfasts, met their Representatives and Senators at The State House, and have utilized local media to influence public opinion regarding persons with disabilities.  Building Bridges discusses issues that affect services necessary for program members.  The goal is to increase awareness and promote involvement regarding legislative, residential, and governmental rights and responsibilities across every program.

Topics of discussion


REDD (Right, Equality and Dignity for a Disability) Transportation Update- If you have concerns or suggestions to improve the current transportation system contact REDD.  To voice concerns regarding transportation contact:  Debbie Malone REDD Chair- 774-670-3703

WRTA has created a BUS ROUTE through Southbridge- the schedule is posted in various areas within COH.  WRTA offers a transportation training program to TEACH people how to ride the bus, how to use it as a connector to Auburn or Worcester and beyond. The training is FREE!  Everyone interested should get out there and flag down the BUS or contact WRTA for more information on learning how to use the bus!  If we don’t use it- we will lose it!  This is a fabulous opportunity to develop independence and freedom.

The Center of Hope’s Supported Housing Program provides in-home supports that are specifically designed around each individual’s abilities and needs. Each individual served by the program is unique in their interest, support needs and skill level, therefore staffing support hours for individuals currently in the program vary.

Our Supported Housing Services are designed to help ensure stability and to maximize each individual’s ability to live as independently as they are capable.

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 Our hope is that you will now talk to your legislators, your neighbors and friends about the need to support people with disabilities by advocating for the funding that will truly allow each person the opportunity to be full participants in all aspects of the community.  This necessitates support that allows individuals to walk their own path, use their own unique talents and live a life of dignity and respect.  This requires competent, well-trained staff who will be able to work in this field because they are paid the appropriate wages for the complex, professional work that they carry out every day.  We need to value the individuals we serve and the people who support them enough to fund these services.  Now is the time… this cannot wait. 

Find Your Legislator Now

Everyone had rights and responsibilities. Our Human Rights Booklet contains a list of rights that you have and the responsibilities that go with them. 

Click to Download 

Learn more about bill priorities, policy issues, budgets, and more at the Arc of Mass’s website. 

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Help us advocate for services, support, inclusion, self-determination, and equity for people with disabilities by donating today. 

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We are here to help your voice be heard. 

Contact us today for advice and guidance. 

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Center of Hope's
18th Annual Yes You Can Hoyt Family Memorial Golf Tournament