2013 The Sharks Support The Arc!

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Are you looking for unique gift ideas where you can bring your family and friends together again AFTER the Holidays?  Then these “Sharks Support The Arc” January 19, 2013 tickets are the perfect stocking stuffer this Holiday season!  AND… what a great way to show your support to the Center of Hope Foundation!  Tickets are discounted from $25.00 to $17.00, and for every ticket purchased the Center will receive $5.00.  But wait, that’s not all!  4,000 bobble heads of Rob Gronkowski will be given away at the door!  Warm up your throwing arm for a chance to win great prizes with “Chuck the Puck”, which is six pucks for five bucks!  But, let’s not forget, the first 40 ticket purchasers get to “HIGH FIVE” the Sharks Players on their way onto the ice.  How cool is that?!

So grab your foam fingers, noise makers, and suit up with your favorite team colors, (orange and yellow, that is) and support The Arc-Center of Hope Foundation at the Worcester Sharks game against the Adirondack Phantoms on January 19, 2013 at 7pm.

Want to make it an all evening thing?  Then meet us at the Center of Hope Day Hab at 5 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.   $35.00 includes Tickets to the Game, Dinner at the Super Buffet in Worcester, supervision (so parents go have yourself a date night and enjoy a few hours to yourself!) and Transportation (Benefits our statewide All Aboard the Arc!)

“Sport your colors”  Pre register for your Center of Hope T-Shirt.  Cost is $15.00.  Contact Marie Barse to place an order by January 9, 2013. 508-764-4085 or email: mbarse@thecenterofhope.org.


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18th Annual Yes You Can Hoyt Family Memorial Golf Tournament